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BUILDING TEAMS with Allen Fahden (Part 2 of 2) – A Balanced Team

Can you have the greatest group put together, and still not perform?  Karla and Allen discuss having a well-balanced team, and how disastrous that can be! Listen to the podcast here: BUILDING TEAMS – A Balanced Team with Allen Fahden Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalysts Podcast, Allen. Allen Fahden:  Good afternoon, or morning, or evening. Your choice. Karla Nelson:  Yeah. Depending where you’re at. Right? Well, hey. You know what? The podcast ...

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CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF with Kevin Nothstine (Part 2 of 3)

In this episode, professional pilot and corporate trainer Kevin Nothstine talks about how the lessons learned from flying airplanes apply to running a business.  This is the first of a 3-part series where we discuss “Running home to momma,” what it means to have your team “on course and on glide path” and how to respond to emergencies or sudden changes. Kevin Nothstine served 21 years as an Air Force pilot with a deep love ...

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Deer Companies and Headlight Companies

Have you ever seen a deer in the headlights?  They freeze up.  Is your company like that deer? Or are you the headlights?  Listen in as Karla and Allen discuss the differences between getting your Block Busted and putting your Flicks on the Net. Listen to the podcast here: Are you a “Deer” Company or a “Headlights” Company? Karla Nelson:  Welcome to the people catalyst podcast, Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Hello, Karla. Karla Nelson:  Hello, ...

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The Three Worst Emotions in Business, Part 4 of 4

What are the three worst emotions in business?  Disagreement, Disappointment, and demotivation.  These are all on the “misfit’s wheel of misery.”  This is the fourth in a four-part series about how to reset work, and avoid the wheel of misery. Listen to the podcast here: The Three Worst Emotions in Business: Part 4 of 4 Karla Nelson:                    Welcome to The People Catalysts podcast, Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:                    Hello, Karla. Karla Nelson:                    Hello, good sir. How ...

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The Three Worst Emotions in Business, Part 2 of 4

What are the three worst emotions in business?  Disagreement, Disappointment, and demotivation.  These are all on the “misfit’s wheel of misery.”  This is the second in a four-part series about how to reset work, and avoid the wheel of misery. Listen to the podcast here: The Three Worst Emotions in Business: Part 2 of 4 Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalyst Podcast Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Hello Karla. Karla Nelson:  Hello Mister, how ...

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