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The Three Worst Emotions in Business, Part 4 of 4

What are the three worst emotions in business?  Disagreement, Disappointment, and demotivation.  These are all on the “misfit’s wheel of misery.”  This is the fourth in a four-part series about how to reset work, and avoid the wheel of misery. Listen to the podcast here: The Three Worst Emotions in Business: Part 4 of 4 Karla Nelson:                    Welcome to The People Catalysts podcast, Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:                    Hello, Karla. Karla Nelson:                    Hello, good sir. How ...

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The Three Worst Emotions in Business, Part 3 of 4

What are the three worst emotions in business?  Disagreement, Disappointment, and demotivation.  These are all on the “misfit’s wheel of misery.”  This is the third in a four-part series about how to reset work, and avoid the wheel of misery. Listen to the podcast here: The Three Worst Emotions in Business: Part 3 of 4 Karla Nelson:  Welcome to the People Catalyst Podcast, Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Hello Karla. Karla Nelson:  Hello, good day my ...

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The Three Worst Emotions in Business, Part 2 of 4

What are the three worst emotions in business?  Disagreement, Disappointment, and demotivation.  These are all on the “misfit’s wheel of misery.”  This is the second in a four-part series about how to reset work, and avoid the wheel of misery. Listen to the podcast here: The Three Worst Emotions in Business: Part 2 of 4 Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalyst Podcast Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Hello Karla. Karla Nelson:  Hello Mister, how ...

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