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Competitive Advantage Part 2

Competitive Advantage Part 2 In this episode we discuss Peter Drucker’s quote that says, “Innovation is easy. Just put people in teams and have them work together. The problem is nobody knows how to do it.” Listen to Part 1 here. Listen to Part 2 of How You Can Achieve A Competitive Advantage  Listen to the podcast here: Read Along as Karla and Allen discuss How You Can Achieve A Competitive Advantage Karla Nelson: And ...

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Competitive Advantage Part 1

Competitive Advantage Part 1 How do you gain a competitive advantage? In this episode Karla Nelson and Allen Fahden discuss how Johari’s Window fits into how your company and team can gain an advantage over your competitors. Listen to the podcast here: Read Along as Karla and Allen discuss How You Can Achieve A Competitive Advantage Karla Nelson: Welcome to the People Catalyst Podcast, Mr. Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden: Hello, Karla. Karla Nelson: Good evening, kind ...

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