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The Golden Circle with David Mead
You won’t want to miss this episode of The People Catalysts Podcast as David Mead shares his story and more. Ten years ago, David’s employer brought in a little-known speaker, at the time, Simon Sinek, to train their team. David “Got” what Simon was teaching after only one session. In response to David’s enthusiasm, Simon asked David what he was doing at 5AM ‘before his REAL job’…and the rest is history. David worked with Simon ...
Read moreMovers, Shakers, Provers, Makers ; Part 4 Advanced Makers
Movers, Shakers, Provers, and Makers. We need them all at the right time. Who are they really? This is the fourth in a four-part series that will go in depth on the strengths and characteristics of each of the four strengths. In this episode, Karla interviews Allen Fahden on what it means to be a Maker. Listen to the podcast here: Advanced Maker with Allen Fahden Karla Nelson: And welcome to the People Catalyst ...
Read moreMovers, Shakers, Provers, Makers ; Part 3 Advanced Provers
Movers, Shakers, Provers, and Makers. We need them all at the right time. Who are they really? This is the third in a four-part series that will go in depth on the strengths and characteristics of each of the four strengths. In this episode, Karla interviews Allen Fahden and Kevin Nothstine on what it means to be a Prover. Listen to the podcast here: Advanced Prover with Allen Fahden Karla Nelson: And welcome to ...
Read moreMovers, Shakers, Provers, Makers ; Part 2 Advanced Movers
Movers, Shakers, Provers, and Makers. We need them all at the right time. Who are they really? This is the second in a four-part series that will go in depth on the strengths and characteristics of each of the four strengths. In this episode, Karla interviews Allen Fahden on what it means to be a Mover. Listen to the podcast here: Advanced Mover with Allen Fahden Welcome to The People Catalysts Podcast, Allen Fahden. It’s ...
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