Start by taking the assessment. Finish by revolutionizing work.
Are you stuck in your “Weak-Work” doing what drains you? Do you know what kind of work is your “Peak-Work,” the work that gives you energy?
The WHO-DO assessment identifies your core nature of work. Are you a Mover, a Shaker, a Prover, or a Maker? It is based on the law of diffusion of innovations and 100+ years of research.
It’s not about your job. It’s about your core nature; what parts of the work do you love and do best? Traditional management has designed jobs so that only 1% of the people can do everything the boss wants.
The other 99% of us suffer through our WeakWork, which is slow, boring, and miserable; and then zoom through our PeakWork, which is fast and fun. After we’re done with it, we have nothing left for the rest of the day, except WeakWork.
No wonder 70% of people hate their jobs.
(According to a Gallup poll of Americans in 2018. In 2017, the number of people worldwide who hate their job was 85%.)
Taking the assessment:
You will see 12 groups of 4 statements. Rate the four statements by which is most like you (1) to least like you (4). It usually takes about 7 minutes, and you will receive results immediately!
You can revolutionize work, starting with knowing your Core Nature of work. The People Catalysts have helped people just like you from Startups to Fortune 100 Corporations improve their operations 3 to 8 times. Our case studies show a small sample of accomplishments we have helped our clients achieve. And yes, 70% of Americans hate their job. Worldwide, that number jumps to an astonishing 85%. This is from a poll conducted by Gallup. Once you know your Peak Work, you are on the path to revolutionizing your own work.
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