People Catalysts Podcast

The People Catalysts Podcast

In business and life…relationships are everything. We host The People Catalysts’ Podcast where we interview top business leaders and learn how they build relationships with their teams, clients, and those that promote and refer them. These 3 relationships are key for every business and organization. We help people learn how to improve all 3 on their path to excellence.


Your Scrum Play Book: It’s Poker, Not Chess 90% of corporations know they need to become agile in today’s environment.  Only 10% are.  Fabian Schwartz is a leading author and speaker on Agile and Scrum.  Listen in as Karla and Fabian talk about Scrum and how it’s not just for tech anymore.   Fabian Schwartz is passionate about helping his clients achieve their goals and improve performance through leveraging agile approaches.  He has more than
Largest Transition of Wealth in History with Andrew J. Sherman
Largest Transition of Wealth in History In the next 15 years, 40 trillion dollars of inter-generational wealth will be transferred. Most of it in small businesses. Are you ready? Andrew Sherman talks about succession and transition planning for the coming tsunami of businesses changing owners. Andrew Sherman serves as a legal and strategic advisor to both leaders of Fortune 500 companies and founders of rapid growth, emerging businesses in the areas of business planning, corporate
ACHIEVING GOALS It’s the beginning of a new year.  Are you going to make some goals and move them to gold?   Listen to the podcast here: The Achieving Goals Discussion: Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalysts’ Podcast. Mr. Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Hello, Karla. Karla Nelson:  Hello kind Sir, how are you today? Allen Fahden:  I’m good. Karla Nelson:  2020 first podcast of the year. We got some time off for the
Mindset Performance - Part 2 with Jarrod Haning
Mindset Performance Part 2 Jarrod Haning allows you to access your next breakthrough on demand by learning to think at a higher level.  He is an award-winning speaker who was featured on Nightline and has 4 TEDx talks to this credit.  Karla and Jarrod dive deeper into the Nobel-nominated MindScan. Listen to the Podcast… More information about Mindset Performance and WHO-DO™ Jarrod Haning on LinkedIn: MindScan Review Call: WHO-DO™ Assessment: The Mindset
Mindset Performance with Jarrod Haning
Mindset Performance Part 1 Jarrod Haning allows you to access your next breakthrough on demand by learning to think at a higher level.  He is an award-winning speaker who was featured on Nightline and has 4 TEDx talks to this credit.  Karla and Jarrod introduce the Nobel-nominated MindScan. Listen to the Podcast… More information about Mindset Performance and WHO-DO™ Jarrod Haning on LinkedIn: MindScan Review Call: WHO-DO™ Assessment: The Mindset Performance Discussion…
How to Balance Strategy and Tactics to Get $#!T Done How do you use the WHO-DO™ Method to develop your strategy and tactics?  Karla and Kevin discuss your “WHO to go to” during both Ideation and Implementation. Listen to the Podcast… More information about Tactics and Strategy and WHO-DO™ Red-Light & Green-Light Relationships: WHO-DO™ Assessment: The Strategy and Tactics Discussion… Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalysts Podcast, our favorite prover Kevin Nothstine.
The Tipping Point parodied as The Tripping Point
The Tripping Point Malcolm Gladwell defines The Tipping Point as the moment ideas hit critical mass and spread like viruses.  We define The Tripping Point as the moment you trip over yourself because you are asking the starters to finish something. Listen to the Podcast… More information about The Tipping Point and WHO-DO™ What is The Tipping Point? WHO-DO™ Assessment: The Tripping Point Discussion… Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalysts Podcast.
Don't Be A Scrum Bag
Don’t Be A Scrum Bag Do you know Scrum?  Do you use it?  Combining Scrum with the right person in the right place at the right time is powerful for managing all of your projects. Listen to the Podcast… More information about Scrum and WHO-DO What is Scrum? WHO-DO™ Assessment: The Scrum Discussion… Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalyst podcast. My friend Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Hello, Karla. Karla Nelson:  Hello.
MBTI and WHO-DO™ Myers-Briggs measures personality and identifies four categories.  They are Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling and Judging/Perception.  WHO-DO measures your core nature of work: Mover, Shaker, Prover and Maker.  The two complement each other very well! Listen to the Podcast… More information about MBTI and WHO-DO Myers Briggs Type Indicator explained: WHO-DO™ Assessment: Allen and Karla Discuss MBTI and WHO-DO™ Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalysts podcast my friend, Allen Fahden.
DiSC TEST and WHO-DO title graphic
DiSC TEST AND WHO-DO The DiSC Test measures personality and identifies your Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.  WHO-DO measures your core nature of work: Mover, Shaker, Prover and Maker.  The two complement each other very well! DiSC TEST and WHO-DO podcast: More information about DiSC Test and WHO-DO DiSC Test explained: WHO-DO Assessment: Podcast Transcript Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalyst Podcast Allen Fahden. Allen Fahden:  Karla Nelson. Good morning, good

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