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Solocast Episode #2

Episode 10: How to Find the Early Adopters, with Karla Nelson and Allen Fahden

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Anyone who knows Karla Nelson describes her as an experience. She is as close as a human being can ever be to a human doing. It’s simple. She finds an idea that’s different and valuable, and then she builds it with a team. Swiftly, and relentlessly. She does this by a rare process of how to fit people together, that goes far beyond just connecting them. Karla has built several businesses since her early twenties and learned that in business and in life, “Relationships Are Everything.” And now she has put it all in a form that’s easy to learn and use: The People Catalysts.

When the world zigs, Allen Fahden zags. His first book introduced the unifying theory of creativity. Using his own method he created the one-book bookstore, and got media exposure in front of 50 million people without doing anything. Next, he launched the first strength-to-strength work process that gets three to eight times more done in less time. He beat Gallup and the Strengths Finder by five years. One company used his method to take their division from $20 million to $60 million in two years, while the rest of the company was flat. His clients include Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and dozens more.

Between them and their team, Karla and Allen have used the WHO-DO Method with 25 of the Fortune 100 and dozens of mid market companies and startups. Typically, The WHO-DO Method cuts 50-80% off cycle time and produce better results with happier people. The Who-Do Method’s client list includes Target, Best Buy, Disney, Comcast, 3M, Amazon, General Mills, HP, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Cargill, Chase, US Bank, State Farm Insurance, IBM and many other corporate market leaders.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Creating innovation and making change by engaging early adopters
  • How important early adopters are to launch or sell anything
  • Why so many tech startups die
  • The importance of removing the resistance in the bottleneck in order to get things done
  • Why it’s not just about understanding who you are, but how you fit with the rest of the team
  • Why you need to be open to change if you are in business today and how to do it
  • How you go about finding your early adopters and what happens when you find them
  • People failure vs. process failure
  • How much time we spend on average working on our strengths vs. our weaknesses
  • How the assembly line was born
  • How to accelerate the social process
  • How we can all get caught in stereotypical thinking

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