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Signing the Declaration of Independence: The First Dysfunctional Meeting

The First Dysfunctional Meeting, 4th July 1776 The signing of the Declaration of Independence was the first dysfunctional meeting.  What can we learn about our meetings from how their meeting went? Listen to the podcast here:      “The First Dysfunctional Meeting”    Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalyst podcast, Allen Fahden.  Allen Fahden:  Hello Karla.  Karla Nelson:  Greetings Sir. And Happy Fourth of July!  Allen Fahden:  And Happy Fourth of July to you too.  Karla Nelson:  Even though this is ...

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Happiness is Profitable

Happiness Is Profitable Is Happiness really Profitable?  Can you measure and prove it?  Chris Handley did.  Listen in to see how it’s done. Craig Handley is an author of a bestselling book called Hired To Quit, he is a musician who expects to write music for artists all over the world, a bit of a comedian who has done Stand Up on Broadway, and he moonlights as CEO of his company ListenTrust, which was named ...

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How to Lead Like a Boss (4 of 4)

How to Lead Like a Boss (Part 4 of 4) This is part 4 of the podcast series How to Lead Like a Boss, we discuss six different types of hazardous attitudes and how to manage them in your company.   The 6 different hazardous attitudes are:  Anti-authority  Impulsivity  Invulnerability (aka bulletproof syndrome)  Macho attitude (aka disengagement)  Listen to your mentors  Get there-itis  If you missed Part 1 of this series, where we discussed the sources of leadership power, you ...

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How to Lead Like a Boss (3 of 4)

How to Lead Like a Boss (Part 3 of 4) In part three of this series of How to Lead Like a Boss, we discuss how to work as a team like a boss. There are 10 “traps” in working with people and we discuss the last 5 this week! If you missed Part 1 of this series, where we discussed the sources of leadership power, you can listen to it here. Listen to Part ...

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How to Lead Like a Boss (2 of 4)

How to Lead Like a Boss (Part 2 of 4) In part two of this series of How to Lead Like a Boss, we discuss how to work as a team like a boss. There are 10 “traps” in working with people.  We discuss 5 this week and another 5 next week! If you missed Part 1 of this series, where we discussed the sources of leadership power, you can listen to it here. The ...

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How to Lead Like a Boss (1 of 4)

How to Lead Like a Boss (Part 1 of 4) Did you know there are seven sources of your authority? In this episode, we dig into what those sources are and how to tap into them. Listen in as we explain how to lead like a boss using seven steps of your authority. Listen to the podcast here: Listen in as Karla and Kevin Discuss How to Lead Like a Boss (1 of 4) Karla ...

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Ideation Implementation-part 2

Ideation Implementation-part 2 33 Percent of an employee’s salary.  That’s the cost of turnover.  Not to mention the lost time and production.  Does your employee underperform? Are they a bad hire or are they misplaced? This is part two: “Implementation.” How are you going to get $#!T done? You can listen to Part 1 at https://thepeoplecatalysts.com/ideation-implementation/ Listen to the podcast here: Join in as Karla and Allen Discuss the Ideation Process Karla Nelson:  Welcome to ...

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Ideation Implementation

Ideation Implementation 33 Percent of an employee’s salary.  That’s the cost of turnover.  Not to mention the lost time and production.  So how can you keep the good one’s around? Your ideation process may very well be the answer.   This is part one of a series.  First up is “Ideation.”  In part 2 we will discuss “Implementation.”   Listen to the podcast here: Listen in as Karla and Allen discuss the Ideation Process Karla ...

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Your Scrum Play Book: It’s Poker, Not Chess

Your Scrum Play Book: It’s Poker, Not Chess 90% of corporations know they need to become agile in today’s environment.  Only 10% are.  Fabian Schwartz is a leading author and speaker on Agile and Scrum.  Listen in as Karla and Fabian talk about Scrum and how it’s not just for tech anymore.   Fabian Schwartz is passionate about helping his clients achieve their goals and improve performance through leveraging agile approaches.  He has more than ...

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