This is the second of an 8-part series exploring how to be a People Catalysts. In the series we focus on “ME”, or on your individual core nature; “WE” being two people with different strengths interacting; “US” which is a team working together; and “ALL” which is how to work as an entire organization.This episode focuses on being a Shaker: what your strengths are, what is your peak work, what motivates you, and what you need to stay away from.The Shaker is the early adopter who likes to think big thoughts and create new ideas out of thin air. The Shaker is the power button on your remote control. They energize the entire innovation process. If you don’t have a Shaker on your team, you are doomed to live the definition of crazy, that is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.This episode is hosted by Karla Nelson, definitely a Mover, and she interviews Allen Fahden, definitely a Shaker!Read more
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