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In this episode of The People Catalysts Podcast, we meet Dr. Seth Hickerson.  Dr. Hickerson has been training elite athletes, business professionals and students for over 15 years. Seth is passionate about teaching people how to become the best they can be through proactive mental health training through the understanding and implementation of mindfulness, emotional intelligence and cognitive fitness. This is the skill set that sets the optimum performers apart from all the rest. Boost uses data driven systems, curriculum and content as well as military style techniques and applications both online and in person to teach people how to overcome Fear, Anxiety and Ego.

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Karla Nelson:  And welcome to the People Catalyst podcast, Seth.

Seth Hickerson:  Thanks for having me, glad to be here.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, glad to have you on the show for sure. Excited to share with our listeners about your company, which is Boost: Mental Toughness and Leadership. So I always like to ask our guest, kind of sharing your story of where you started and how you came to launching this company?

Seth Hickerson:  Alright, yeah, I’d love to share the story, help paint the picture as to where it all started, and how it got to where it’s at now. So Boost, what we do is we provide mental skills training, leadership, development training for organizations and individuals, but where it all started, how we got to where we are, I tell the story, I’m from southern Indiana originally, and grew up as an athlete, a three sport athlete, kind of my whole life, you know, from the time I was about five til 18, that was my identity, and my whole plan in life. I was gonna go play, I played football, basketball, baseball, but baseball was my best sport, and my plan was I was gonna go play college or pro baseball, and that was it. That was really the only plan I had.

And anyway, I was a really good athlete, but I was a shithead kid. Because I didn’t have … you know, and there’s a lot of us out there like that, but I didn’t have any kind of emotional control, or regulation, or mental skills type stuff, you know? I suppressed emotions instead of managed them, there’s a lot of people do these days, but you know, it ended up, what happened with me is I continued to play sports, and sports were probably the only thing that actually kept me in school, which was good. But, due to my partying ways and drinking too much, I ended up kind of pissing away any scholarship opportunities, which is what my only plan was, and that was my only thing.

So I ended up graduating high school with a 2.1 GPA, a drinking problem, and no plan. No other plan, you know? So that was when I kind of got my first taste of what it means to lose your identity, and just be kind of stuck. I didn’t have wealthy parents that could … I was just in that void. So I did what most people do, which is played the pity party game, and felt sorry for myself, and did the victim mentality, and that lasted about six or eight months, and fortunately, I decided to do something different, so that’s when I joined the military. Decided to join the navy, and-

Karla Nelson:  Good move, by the way.

Seth Hickerson:  Loved it.

Karla Nelson:  Good move.

Seth Hickerson:  I know,-

Karla Nelson:  Obviously that’s one of the best things for people trying to find their identity, because what the training, and the things that they do, in the military. I mean, even learning to make your bed. I know that that’s just such a small thing, but you know what? My dad was in the military, I make my bed every single morning.

Seth Hickerson:  Yeah, the military, and I’m a huge advocate, I’m a veteran, I’m a big supporter, and you know, the military, you learn, and we’ll talk more about this kind of with my background, but the military teaches and trains, this is the key words, trains people to do things that they’re not gonna get in any other kind of formal education. So I’m one of those people that do believe that people in our country should spend a year or two or so in the military, to develop some of those skills.

Like the making your bed thing, what they’re doing when they have you do that, is they’re teaching you to embrace the suck. Which means, you get up, you start your day doing something you don’t want to do, you know? With Boost, one of the embrace the suck techniques we use is teaching people to take a cold shower every morning, you know? Because, what that does, nobody wants to go jump in a cold shower, nobody wants to wake up and make your bed, but life is a series of things, of you doing that you don’t want to do. And that’s to be successful, you have to learn how to embrace those sucks, and then, what you realize is it wasn’t that difficult to do what you thought was gonna be so difficult, and now you’ve accomplished something in the morning, and now it makes whatever other things come throughout the rest of the day not so challenging, or not so sucky, you know? So you have to get a big win in the morning to just start your day right. You know, everything happens in the morning, and we can talk more about routines and things like that.

But yeah, the military, you know, they live and breathe training, and in the military, to perform and dominate whatever it is you’re doing, you have to know how to embrace to suck, and how to operate when you’re under fear and ego and anxiety, and all of that, that doesn’t just happen, it takes training.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, that’s one of my favorite military sayings, embrace the suck.

Seth Hickerson:  Embrace the suck.

Karla Nelson:  So what did you do in the Navy, Seth?

Seth Hickerson:  I was at a command called, and you may know the acronyms, but it was FASO-Det Atsugi, which is Fleet Aviation  Special Operations Training Group Pacific Lead Detachment Atsugi Japan. So that’s a mouthful, that was my first training command, I was over in Tokyo for about two and a half years, and it was kind of a schoolhouse, where we taught a lot of military personnel in the pacific fleet. They would come and we we’d teach them a bunch of things back in the early ’90s, now go, NALCOMUS and computer programming, and logistics, and their search and rescue stuff, and so did that for two and a half years, in Tokyo, and it was a great experience, and we trained a lot, as we do in the military.

And then my second tour was with the CBs, which you’re familiar with, I’m sure, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40, so combat construction battalion team, deployed to Spain, we were in Guam, southern California, kind of all around the world doing good stuff, and it was an awesome time. I loved it, and I learned about what it takes to train mentally, physically, mentally, technically, that’s what we try to help people understand. There’s only training, and you and I are people that understand training, there’s only three ways humans can be trained, physically, technically, and mentally. And there’s a big disconnect in our society when it comes to mental training. And that’s part of what Boost was.

That was back to kind of my story, and tell me slow down or shut up, ’cause I’ll talk and can go for a while.

Karla Nelson:  No, that’s the whole point! Yeah, that’s the whole point, yeah, for sure.

Seth Hickerson:  I can get on a roll and keep going, so.

Karla Nelson:  So, why don’t you talk about those three ways? ‘Cause I think everybody understands physically, right?

Seth Hickerson:  Mm-hmm  mm-hmm

Karla Nelson:  I think the one that is really misunderstood, out of them all, is the mental training, and what that … because if you don’t have the mental training, it’s just like you said, then I think that’s why people shift to the victim hood, because if you feel empowered, then the last thing you’re going to want to do is admit that you’re a victim.

You know, when I was young, and I don’t even know, I’ve just always had mentors, trainers, my entire life in business. I just understand that I don’t know everything, and the more that I do know, the less I … the more I realize how much I don’t know. And I used to look in the mirror all the time, Seth, and I would say, “Everything you’ve done, and every choice you’ve made up into this point brought you here, so if you don’t like it, it’s your fault.”

So if you feel empowered, you’re not gonna take that victim role. And so, can you talk a little bit about not only the importance of that mental toughness, but that act of the training that you get to the mental toughness, ’cause perspective think they just, yes, there are people that naturally are more mentally tough. However, it can be trained. I mean, there’s not anything that can’t be trained, and I think that’s a big misnomer in our society.

Seth Hickerson:  Absolutely. And so I’ll kind of give you the overview, and a broad stroke perspective is this is such an unawareness in our society, because we don’t teach this type of stuff in our school systems, and people just don’t know. So it’s not that people are ineffective, or really dumb, or unable, they just, you don’t know what you don’t know. So when it comes to the stuff we’re talking about, being resilient, mentally tough, grit, being positive, being able to embrace the suck, and move on, and you know, that stuff takes training, but right now in our country unless you serve in the military, the only kind of training a lot of people get are people that go through traumatic life events at an early age, where you either overcome it through just kind of intestinal fortitude, or you don’t, and like we say, that can’t be the only way people are trained. They need to have training tools that are more deliberate and not built around trauma, and that’s what we provide. Making it available, accessible, affordable, so that they can train to be more positive, to be more self aware, situationally aware, to have more resilience and adaptability, and all these skills that we know, EQ type skills, as opposed to IQ. These are the skills that help you do great things, start companies, be the best version of yourself.

But, I’ll explain, one of the things that we do to help people understand it is, it’s about energy. Everything in life is about your energy. We are, as humans, that’s what we do. We’re energy systems, and then there’s really four pillars that everything gets their energy from. So, I’ll talk to you about these, and it all kind of comes back to what the gap and the need is that Boost is trying to help people understand.

The four areas where people get their energy, and as an individual, you either tap into these areas, and have a routine, or you don’t. And if you don’t tap into it and don’t have a routine, you’re not gonna have much energy. And so, does that make sense? Just the energy piece.

Karla Nelson:  Oh, absolutely.

Seth Hickerson:  Right? So General Patton said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” And most people in our country, because they don’t have this type of training, they live very reactive lives, and therefore their energy, their mental energy, their physical energy and stuff, is always depleted, so you just are ineffective, you make hasty decisions. And so the four components that people have to be familiar with, the four aspects of health to have energy are physical health, nutritional health, spiritual health, and mental health. And that’s where people get energy.

So listeners and stuff need to think about, okay well physical health, and think about what you know or don’t know when it comes to physical health. So if it was just you, or me, or somebody you were talking to, and you asked them, “What kind of,” and this comes back to the military, you have to have a routine in that aspect of health, or you’re not going to be able to have sustainable, renewable, effective energy.

Karla Nelson:  Mm-hmm. I like how you say routine, that’s so critical.

Seth Hickerson:  That’s, training and routine. Yep. Routines equal results. You have to have a routine. It doesn’t mean you need to be a master in all this, but this is where the military, we understand more so than anybody what routines are, and how they work. And you do it today, and you do it tomorrow, and you do it the next day, it doesn’t matter if you’re pissed off or happy or sad, you do the routine, and you get results. And so think about these four aspects of health, that provide all your energy.

So if I were to ask you, hey physical health, people would know, they’ve learned through school and stuff, when I say physical health, what options are. If I want to get more physical health, I can go to a gym, I can lift weights, I can get a trainer, I can do pushups or sit ups. They have a basic understanding and awareness of how to improve it, they either choose to do it or not do it.

Karla Nelson:  Mm-hmm

Seth Hickerson:  But they have an understanding with physical health. So then the second pillar is nutritional health. Same thing, ask somebody, “How is your nutrition?” You know, that’s where you get energy from the food you eat, when you eat, how you eat. And you ask people, ask a general person in our society that question, what kind of routine do you have for your nutritional health, and they say, “Nothing, I eat like crap,” but they would know, they would have an idea, of-

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, how to gauge it.

Seth Hickerson:  Yeah, if I wanted to improve it, I could do this, this, and this, we just-

Karla Nelson:  Well, everybody knows eating an apple is better than eating a hamburger.

Seth Hickerson:  That’s right, unless you’re on the keto diet.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, that’s true. You can’t have a bun, you gotta eat it with lettuce.

Seth Hickerson:  Yeah, that’s right. So, the physical health, we get that, nutritional health, we get that, again, you either have a routine, and you get into it or you don’t, and the third component, where it starts to get kind of hazy with some people is spiritual health. And so you get energy, people get energy, from having some aspect of, and I’m not just talking about religion, but spirituality, whatever that means to a person. You can tap into a resource-

Karla Nelson:  It’s being connected to something larger than just yourself, right?

Seth Hickerson:  That’s it, something bigger than you. Whatever that thing is. And you have to have a routine for that. So, me, I’m a Christian, so I go to church, I believe in god, I pray, I have stuff that I do that helps me stay connected the my spirituality.

Karla Nelson:  Mm-hmm.

Seth Hickerson:  So I have a routine, so I can draw energy from that. So physical health, nutritional health, spiritual health.

Now, this last one, when I say it the wheels kind of stop. So when I say mental health, people just … because our society has this stigmatic, ’cause nobody’s ever taught anybody anything about proactive mental health training, as an aspect of health just like the other three. We’ve taken this reactive, stigmatic approach, where it’s just therapy, prescription, and that’s mental illness, and mental disorder. That’s not mental health, you know what I mean?

Karla Nelson:  It’s almost like it’s binary, either you are okay, or you’re mentally not okay.

Seth Hickerson:  Right.

Karla Nelson:  And there’s actually a huge spectrum on that, and we can be adjusted on the spectrum based off of what has happened yesterday, and that situational awareness you’re talking about as well, which I love how the military teaches that. That would be awesome for more business trainers to, because that’s so critical. If you’re sitting in a meeting, and something horrible, number one, just happened to you, you have to have situational awareness about that and be able to kind of pull yourself out and logically think about, “Okay, how am I gonna deal with this?” And then just as well of the person across the table, just had something horrible. That’s critical, and it’s really being able to stop and being prepared, and one of my mentors used to have the best routine around this. He’s an actual trainer in the real estate industry, was a mentor a long time ago. And before he would go in on a listing appointment he’d play, I forgot the name of the song, but it was one of those “Dun Dun Dun Dun,” you know?

Seth Hickerson:  Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Karla Nelson:  ‘Cause he was gonna kill it to the listing. That’s an example of a routine that wasn’t nutritional, physical, or spiritual, that was a mental routine that he had. And speakers do it all the time. Almost every speaker, great speaker I know, has a routine that they do before they go out on stage.

Seth Hickerson:  Absolutely, absolutely, and so coming back to those health aspects, physical health, you know, I got a solid routine, nutritional health, I got a solid routine, spiritual health, I’ve got a solid routine, and mental health, I’ve got a solid routine, and so Boost, that’s what we’re here to do is help people develop and understand what are some of these things that I can do? And so the approach that we teach is there’s three pillars underneath this type of training, to really improve it, and it’s mindfulness training, emotional intelligence training, and cognitive fitness training. And so mindfulness training, and I wanna keep, as you know, training, training, training, training, mindfulness training, it’s a beauty when I say training, when we talk about doing mental skills training, is it’s not like physical skills training that requires an hour or an hour and a half of work, mental skills routines and trainings can be five minutes, 10 minutes. Because your brain is so much faster and so much more receptive, you know? So I don’t want listeners to think, “Oh my gosh, I don’t have time, I’m so busy,” ’cause that’s just a BS kind of mentality that people have, that they’re conditioned.

Business is not a badge of honor. I tell that to people all the time. If you tell me, I say, “Hey, how’s your day?”

“Oh I’m so busy.”

If you’re a mentally tough person like me, instantly, I know that just means you’re ineffective. You don’t know how to manage your time, you don’t know how to manage your energy.

But anyway, mental health those three components, mindfulness training, which is training yourself to be present and focused and in the moment. Emotional intelligence training is being aware of your emotions, what they are, fear, anxiety, ego, what the physiological and psychological feelings associated with it, and how do you hack into that to overcome it? Tricking the parasympathetic nervous system, and that takes training. And then the cognitive fitness, what are the exercises and activities for brain health, to help develop neuroplasticity, and developing these neural connetions and things.

So that’s the stuff that it takes to do this.

Karla Nelson:  I agree with you, that’s kind of interesting to say about the business, ’cause I agree with that, that if you’re constantly, you need to just shift gears a little bit. Another great mentor always said, “How the best get better.” Dan, I can’t remember his last name, but he always said, “When working harder and working longer no longer works, you have to shift gears.” And sometimes I think people, they just keep on pushing harder, instead of removing the resistance, so that they have faith in their mind. To be able to look at it differently, but then also realize, that one song that was a training, that was a mental training, was just as long as a song to get them prepared to be able to be in the best place for their sales appointment that they had. And so I think that’s true. In society today, more than ever, we’re being bombarded. We’ve got our phone, and we’ve got our computer, and we’ve got, just driving down the street.

Seth Hickerson:  It’s called the distraction epidemic. I mean, it’s a legitimate epidemic that people suffer from in our country. They’re unaware of it, because they just don’t know. When you’re in this society we live in that perpetuates this 24/7, always on, access, phone, tablet. Boost is in the business of the brain, and how a brain works. And it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Chinese, purple, Asian, or Indian, brains work a particular way, and our brains haven’t evolved like society has, and technology has. A brain can’t meet the demands of the stimulus that’s around it all the time, but people don’t know that, because of ego, they think they’re just special. And so, it takes people, mental toughness and self awareness to step outside that, and when we work with people at Boost and they go through our programming, everybody has the exact same amount of time, 24 hours in a day. And the difference is, high EQ people, high mentally tough people, we know how to cut out the stuff that doesn’t matter. Whether it’s TV, social media.

We teach people delete, delegate, dump. Look at your weekly schedule. Are you serving on all these committees? Are you coaching your son’s soccer team? Because one of the things people in our country struggle with more than anything is the ability to say no.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, the “yes” disease.

Seth Hickerson:  We say yes, because, right, the yes disease, and then people don’t have any idea. People will come up to me all the time, they’re like, “Hey Seth,” I’ve got three boys, “Hey, we’re gonna do a youth soccer league at the Y, you want to help coach it?”

And I’ll be like, “No.” And they’ll look at me. And they’re like … they’re so not used to people saying no.

Karla Nelson:  If you know your priorities, it’s not good, bad, right, or wrong, right? It’s not that you have to put a judgment associated with any of those things, it’s just understanding who you are. But then, that’s self awareness, right? So for you, that doesn’t fit into my, what I’m doing right now.

Seth Hickerson:  And what happens, it’s funny when you do something like that, like people will say, “Hey Seth, can you go to do this,” or “Hey Seth, can you serve on that committee?” And I’m not being an asshole, “No!” But, I’ll say, “I can’t,” and you watch their face, and they’re almost shocked that somebody told them no. They’re so used to just getting yesses. And then you watch them, and I’ve worked with people enough to know, that then they get this, “Wow, he must be really busy or he must have some stuff going on,” and then they start to get defensive. “Well I wish I wasn’t on this committee,” you know what I mean?

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, well saying yes to something that you wanted to say no to, there’s … mentally that is draining. I mean, really, when you’re doing it, if it’s not in alignment with either your purpose or your mission or what you want to do. I mean, if it gives you energy, and that’s your way that you physically are maybe running with a soccer team, or you know, that’s something that you want to layer into your schedule, that it makes sense. But, having the draining part of it, because it’s not in alignment with what you are, and that goes with anything you say yes to or no to, is understanding how that aligns with you.

But it’s kind of interesting, ’cause that’s kind of spiritual as well, when you actually look at it. It’s like, doing things that you really don’t want to do crushes you and makes you feel separate than everyone else. And so I agree with you. I’ve had to work on that. I tell you, i still have a little bit of that yes disease every once in a while, that comes and creeps in, and then you’re like, “Why did I say yes to this?”

Typically for me, it’s because I wanted to help a friend, right?

Seth Hickerson:  Right. And it’s even like when, the request to be on a podcast and do this, you know, I was like well, “Do I want to?” But, I looked at your story, and what you’re doing, and what you’re passionate about, I was like, “Yeah, I do want to do that.” This does matter to me. ‘Cause I think what you’re doing’s great, and in our off air conversations, I can just tell that you’re passionate, and got good background experience. I tell people all the time, you’re either investing or wasting your two most valuable resources, which are your time, and your attention. Two most valuable things a person has, your time, and your attention. And you’re either wasting those things, or you’re investing in them. And most people, sadly, waste both. And then they wonder why they can’t get that job, they can’t get that promotion, they can’t get that … that’s that condition where learned helpless and stuff is going on.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, any tension has just gotten worse with the distraction epidemic, which I haven’t actually heard it called that before, but it’s obvious, it’s everywhere, it’s incredible.

Seth Hickerson:  Yeah, there’s a technology addiction, there’s a distraction epidemic, and this is what we at Boost, and our people, we look at that, what’s really going on, and I know this is a short podcast today, but I could blow your mind on some of the statistics of what’s happening in our society as a result of never offering this type of training to our citizens. It’s scary, it’s scary.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, and it should come the earlier the better, let me tell you. The earlier, the better.

Seth Hickerson:  Well, 11 to 14. Yep. So the brain, yeah, if you got kids or listeners out there, there’s two … ’cause we’re bringing it back to the brain, there’s really two critical windows of definitely in a human brain, ages two to five, which is language learning, communication, and then ages about 11 to 14, or 15, which is really identity forming, and emotional control and regulation. Then if you can take this kind of stuff and get it in, like it wasn’t taught to me when I was 11 or 14, so you know, I just drank, that’s what I did.

So you get this skillset, the brain is ripe and ready to learn these types of techniques at that age. And then, you minimize having to go through a lot of the stuff that I had to go through, or other people have to go through. So timing is really critical, yes. Gandhi, no, the Dali Lama had said if you taught every eight year old on the planet to meditate, we would end all of the world’s problems in two generations. Within a generation or two. Just if you could do that one thing.

Karla Nelson:  Wow.

Seth Hickerson:  You know, all this stuff that happens in our world as a result of emotion.

Karla Nelson:  Mm-hmm.

Seth Hickerson:  You know?

Karla Nelson:  Yup. That’s very true.

Seth Hickerson:  Yeah.

Karla Nelson:  And it’s interesting, you were saying the time and attention, which I agree, right? Those are the two things that you have, and with the distraction epidemic, but you know what’s interesting? With the four pillars you talked about, spiritually, physically, nutritionally, I know I didn’t do those in order. But, when you look at those four pillars, really the only one that takes even a half hour a day, or maybe a half hour five days a week, is physically. And it depends on what you’re training for, I’m just saying the average person.

Seth Hickerson:  Right.

Karla Nelson:  Needs to stay fit, they don’t necessarily need to train like an athlete. I mean, spiritually, now to figure out where you’re at, it’ll take a little bit, but the routine doesn’t take much. Nutritionally, to figure out where you need to be takes a little bit, but the routine doesn’t take very long. And then mentally, to figure out what’s going on, like what we’re talking about on the podcast, why it’s so important, and why your mental health is so important, it takes a little while to figure it out. But, after you figure it out, the routine doesn’t take very long. It’s really interesting to me, because you’re really investing on … you’re front loading your investment in those areas, and I think it’s just, people don’t understand how. How they can then get to that point of understanding, for them, what that routine needs to be in those four different areas.

Seth Hickerson:  And so we-

Karla Nelson:  You know, it’s easy-

Seth Hickerson:  Right-

Karla Nelson:  ‘Cause we’re not giving priority to it.

Seth Hickerson:  And everything, on those four pillars, physical, nutritional, spiritual, mental, what people have a tendency in our society right now, part of the problem is people start talking about this. There’s people talking about mental health and mindfulness, and there’s people talking about this stuff, but it’s this very kind of up in the sky, pie in the sky thing, nobody knows how to get started or where to … “How do I tap into it?”

And you know, at Boost, and similar to what you guys do with your company, is we use, ours starts with an assessment. So, we have an assessment on our website, that anybody can take, it’s free, and it’s basically, you take the assessment, and then it’s going to show you, quantitatively and qualitatively, where you stand today with your leadership, your positive mental attitude, anxiety, self control, concentration, managing emotions, and goal setting. So there’s six components that our assessment measures. And now, ’cause we tell people you can’t grow if you don’t know. So you need to have a baseline as to where you’re at, and now you know, okay here’s where I am. My positive mental attitude could use some work, my anxiety, self control, whatever the data shows. And now that you have a baseline, you can move into the training of it.

Karla Nelson:  Man, you can so tell you were in the military. Military has the best training on the planet, because you always have a baseline. And as a trainer in the military, your job, they do this so well, is to take somebody where they’re at, and then to move them up. And so it’s not like education in school a lot of times, where it’s like one size fits all, it’s where are you? Okay, so my job as a trainer, my job is to then bring you higher than you are.

Seth Hickerson:  Right.

Karla Nelson:  At your skill level. But then, another individual, if they happen to have a higher baseline, the job is still to then increase their skill level. It’s just ensure you have the baseline, and then add to it, instead of teach everybody the same exact thing. I love that.

Seth Hickerson:  Yeah, you have to have-

Karla Nelson:  Critical in training.

Seth Hickerson:  It is. Everything. If you don’t have a foundation and an awareness, then there is no training, it’s just random. And that’s what a lot of businesses and stuff do, is they just go out and spend money to bring in something without any foundational … and I know you guys do a great job with foundational stuff, that’s what you have to have. ‘Cause everything else, but if you don’t, it’s just a guess. When I’m explaining to people, again, you and I talked this, I love the military, I love what it’s about, but boot camp, for example, is a great example of how the military uses this tactic to get everybody kind of on the same level.

So when you go to boot camp in the military, you’re in a room with, for men, 65 to 100 men in one room. And those men, there’s felons to PhDs in there. When you go to a boot camp, there’s people who would not normally mix in society all thrown into a room, and then they’ve got 10 or 12 weeks to break down and condition these people, so that at the end of it, that felon would take a bullet for that PhD, and vice versa. You know?

Karla Nelson:  I love it.

Seth Hickerson:  And the only way that happens, is not just by doing a bunch of pushups and sit ups, but it’s, they get down and unearth, they break down your ego, your humility, all of your emotional stuff, and they get it out of you. Then they start to build you back up, physically, technically, and mentally. And so at the end of it, you come out of it, and you got 100 men, assuming they make it out, that are just ready to rock and roll. And now they’ve got a foundation for training, physically, mentally, and technically. ‘Cause the whole time you’re in the military, that’s what you’re training on, physical, technical, and mental training.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, I love it, so share with our listeners, Seth, how they can get ahold of you, and also where they can find the assessment.

Seth Hickerson:  So, everything’s pretty much on our website right now, ABoostAbove dot com, so it’s double you double you double you dot ABoostAbove dot com, and on there you can look and see, we offer courses right now, so we have a brain training for beginners course, which is a three lesson course that teaches people about the three, mindfulness, the emotional intelligence, cognitive fitness.

And then the main thing that we use is called our cognitive fitness boot camp, which is a 10 lesson course, that’s gonna give you … it’s like the boot camp, hence the name cognitive fitness boot camp. And then the assessment, which is the free assessment on that site as well, you’ll see it. It’s 36 questions, takes about 15 minutes. As soon as they submit it, they’ll receive the result, an app, all this stuff’s mobile friendly too, so you can do it on your phone. ABoostAbove dot com, everything’s on there if you want to get started on anything. They can email me, Seth at ABoostAbove dot com, if they have questions with anything. Social media is at ABoostAbove, you know, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

Karla Nelson:  Yeah, and we’ll make sure all those links are in the write up on the podcast, too.

Seth Hickerson:  Yup. And then we have, I have a podcast that I just started, we’re probably about 10 episodes into it, but it talks more about this stuff, and it’s Mindfulness and More With Doctor Seth Hickerson, and it should be on all the, you know, the normal channels that people to listen to podcasts.

Karla Nelson:  Fantastic. Well Seth, thank you so much, this has been a great podcast, I love this information, I’ve spent a lot of time working on my four pillars, and it’s a never-ending kind of journey, but absolutely-

Seth Hickerson:  That’s right.

Karla Nelson:  So, thanks so much for taking the time today, have a great day.

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