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Episode 39

Episode 39: Ideation to Implementation: 1 of 2

The first of a 2-part series on turning a new idea into a reality.  We look at using The WHO-DO Method to bring new ideas to life. Specifically, we talk about employing new software, and how to adopt new technology when you are wondering what to do.  We explore the real reason as to why you need each of the four core natures. Each core nature has a built-in paradox that challenges implementing new technology. How does that affect your organization?

New technology can help you automate with new technology, but you must follow 3 steps.  1: Know your objectives and requirements well. 2: Trust your provers to make it better.  3: Use The WHO-DO Method.


What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • What is the paradox of each core nature?
  • Why do Movers like new innovation, but do not want to learn the new systems?
  • Why Shakers fall in love, but what is their challenge with new technology?
  • Which core nature is required to implement new technology?
  • Why are Makers perfectly qualified to implement a new idea, but what is their challenge?
  • A Prover is great to implement your new technology, but what do they need completed before they can work for you?

Ways to contact us:

  • Email: next@karlanelson.com

Schedule a Strategy Session: meetme.so/Karla-Nelson



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