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The Gap Between Technology And Sales

  It’s not the notes that make the symphony, it’s the spaces between the notes. It’s the same thing in business. It’s the spaces between technology and sales, between operations and sales. To get new technology adopted to get integrated in a sales process, it has to revolutionize the way work is done. Sales is usually the early adopters and operations is usually the later adopters. There’s that big chasm there, that big conflict. Author ...

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The Dos And Dont’s Of Implementing Technology – Part 1

  The ideation of adopting new technology is that 15% of the population will say yes to an idea right away, but after you’ve got it working, it’s time for implementing the technology and making iterations going forward. The early adopters are usually the ones who are open to using the new process and the late adopters are the ones who push back. The paradox is the more slowly you teach it, the faster it ...

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Conflict Management In The Workplace with Dave Gerber

Sometimes it’s just the small things that impact major parts of relationships. Conflict Healer Dave Gerber’s work is around connecting with progressive leaders that want to solve obstacles, people problems and need solutions such as leadership coaching, dynamic training, effective facilitation, mediation and more. Dave and his company will help you grow high performance teams throughout the organization and improve the way people treat one another in the workplace while increasing revenue. Dave will help ...

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The Crisis of Leadership

Episode 41: The Crisis of Leadership Why do 65% of Americans say getting rid of their boss would make them happier than a pay raise?  Via a Gallup Poll: 79% of employees are agnostic (basically, they don’t care), 12% are working for your cause, and 9% are working against you.  This represents a crisis of leadership. We are in the 21st century with a 19th-century work model. If you see your team as a bunch of square pegs and nothing but round holes, DO NOT provide “roundness training!”  The answer: Know what the core nature and strength of work for everyone on your team and make the work fit your team members. Don’t make the team members fit the work.”

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Episode 40

Episode 40: Ideation to Implementation: 2 of 2 The second of a 2-part series on turning a new idea into a reality.  We look at using The WHO-DO Method to bring new ideas to life. Specifically, we talk about breaking 150 years of bad habits.  We have some fun stories like “what are my instructions?” and how that was answered by a Shaker, and then a Prover. Also, the big shift in who is on point for the Implementation phase, and how that differs from the Ideation phase.  

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Dave Whelan

Episode 38: The Intersection of Strategy and Operations, with Dave Whelan David Whelan is a seasoned strategy, business development, and management executive building businesses and inspiring entrepreneurs at the intersection of technology, health, and wellness. As a consultant, advisor, entrepreneur, and operating executive, Dave has devoted his career to building successful businesses. In this episode of The People Catalysts’ podcast, Karla and Dave talk about everything from the intersection of technology, health, and wellness to the “right of passage” in a startup. What you’ll learn about in this episode: What is David’s story on becoming an entrepreneur? The history in the intersection of technology, health, and wellness. Dave’s part in the first wearable technology How the greatest thing is to make an impact What is the intersection of strategy and operations What is it like to be a Strategically-oriented Operations Officer or an operationally-oriented Head of Strategy Strategically-oriented operations officer or an operationally-oriented head of strategy What is the “right-of-passage” in a start-up? How can you connect with your team, your clients, and your promoters? How do you overcome the challenge of implementing a new idea? What is the importance of relationships, especially in the digital age?

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Episode 37

Episode 37: Me-We-Us-All, Part 8 of 8:  Clients and Promoters The last of an 8-part series exploring how to be a People Catalyst.  In the series we focus on “ME”, your individual core nature; “WE”, two people with different strengths interacting; “US”, a team working together; and “ALL”, how to work as an entire organization. This episode focuses on “Them”.  How we interact with our clients and promoters depending on their core nature. Listen in as Karla Nelson interviews Allen Fahden on how you can best work with your clients and your promoters.

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Episode 36

The 7th of an 8-part series exploring how to be a People Catalyst.  In the series we focus on “ME”, your individual core nature; “WE”, two people with different strengths interacting; “US”, a team working together; and “ALL”, how to work as an entire organization. This episode focuses on “All”.  How we function as an organization. Listen in as Karla Nelson interviews Allen Fahden on a day can look like when you are task-focused instead of role-focused.

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Episode 35

The 6th of an 8-part series exploring how to be a People Catalyst.  In the series we focus on “ME”, your individual core nature; “WE”, two people with different strengths interacting; “US”, a team working together; and “ALL”, how to work as an entire organization. This episode focuses on “US”.  How we function as a balanced team, and what can go wrong when you are missing key strengths. Listen in as Karla Nelson interviews Allen Fahden on how a team can best work together.

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Episode 34

Episode 34: Me-We-Us-All, Part 5 of 8: Red Light. Green Light. The 5th of an 8-part series exploring how to be a People Catalyst. In the series we focus on “ME”, your individual core nature; “WE”, two people with different strengths interacting; “US”, a team working together; and “ALL”, how to work as an entire organization. This episode focuses on “WE”. How each of our core natures create either a red light (STOP!), green light (GO!) or yellow light (Caution!). Listen in as Karla Nelson interviews Allen Fahden in how to ensure you have the proper fit and sequence with your team.

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