Mindset Performance – Part 1
Mindset Performance
Part 1

Jarrod Haning allows you to access your next breakthrough on demand by learning to think at a higher level. He is an award-winning speaker who was featured on Nightline and has 4 TEDx talks to this credit. Karla and Jarrod introduce the Nobel-nominated MindScan.
Listen to the Podcast…
More information about Mindset Performance and WHO-DO™
Jarrod Haning on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarrod-haning-5831578/
MindScan Review Call: https://www.mindsetperformance.co/mindscan.html
WHO-DO™ Assessment: https://thepeoplecatalysts.com/who-do-assessment-welcome/
The Mindset Performance Discussion…
Karla Nelson: And welcome to the People Catalysts Podcast, Jared Haning.
Jared Haning: Hello hello.
Karla Nelson: How are you today, sir?
Jared Haning: All right, my friends. Wonderful day here in South Carolina.
Karla Nelson: Woo hoo. This is so fun because I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina.
Jared Haning: Chucktown. Yes, Chucktown is famous for a lot of things, one of them being destination weddings. People will come from California to get married in Charleston.
Karla Nelson: I don’t blame them. It’s gorgeous there. I’ve got to get back soon. And now I’ve got… It’s kind of funny because in the last week I’ve talked to two people from Charleston, South Carolina, even though I have not been back since I was probably 12 or 13 and I’ve got to make it a point to do that. And actually, Allen Fahden, one of our co-founders was just there a week and a half ago too. So it’s just me. I’m just the lacking Charleston, South Carolinian.
Jared Haning: The last hold out. All right.
Karla Nelson: Yes. And so we’re so excited to have you on the podcast today, Jared. And for all the listeners, Jared is an award-winning speaker. He’s been featured on ABC Nightline for his real estate investing. And you’ve had what, four TEDx talks for your performance coaching?
Jared Haning: Too many TEDx talks.
Karla Nelson: Woo hoo. Yeah. Well and I’ve got a TEDx talk. So does one of our co-founders, Allen Fahden. And you specialize in this Nobel nominated process that allows you to access your next breakthrough. I love that word, breakthrough. It’s fantastic and there’s really four different pillars of that that we’re going to talk about today. And it’s by learning to think at a higher level. So as a result of the process that we’re going to talk about today, which is called MindScan, then your clients normally double their income in the first year, purposefully, right? And they work less hours as well. And I love this, Jared. Jared comes from… He’s actually a classically trained musician, which I always say, business is an art and a science. It’s like you have the artistry that you apply to some type of methodology. So he’s a classically trained musician, he’s an avid mountain biker and the best part, the world tickled champion in the five-year-old category. So welcome Jared.
Jared Haning: Thanks for having me. Good to be here. All right. So where should we start?
Karla Nelson: Well I think sharing… There’s really what we talked about in regards to MindScan and I went through this process guys. So this is super cool and it was focusing on breakthroughs, as we talked about just a moment ago. And that’s really where Jared’s the light of the mind scan comes through. But I think we talk about the four different aspects of, first let’s start about how does breakthrough in business happen in your mind?
Jared Haning: Breakthrough in your business will first happen as a breakthrough in your thinking. You want to tweet that out?
Karla Nelson: Yay.
Jared Haning: Here’s what’s going on. Whatever your situation is, whether you keep hitting the same obstacle, you don’t have enough time, you don’t have enough money, you don’t have the right people, you always end up with the wrong people, you can’t get rid of the wrong people. Whatever. You keep hitting the same obstacle. Maybe year after year, you keep making the same amount of money and you promise yourself, okay, next year is going to be different. I’m really going to go for it. Next year comes around, you ended up at the same spot. You say, no, no, do over. This doesn’t count. Next year I’m really, really going to apply myself. Next year rolls around, you still made the same amount of money. At some point you got to acknowledge that trying harder isn’t going to get you there.
So here’s what’s going on. Wherever you’re at, there’s three truths. Number one, you’re already doing everything you know to do to solve that problem, right? You’re a hustler, you’re working hard, you’re not slacking. If there was something else you could be doing, you could be doing it. Right? So go ahead, pat yourself on the back. Number two, everything that you’re doing seems like a good idea. Seems like rational, logical, good idea. Yeah, of course it seems like a good idea. You’re not an idiot. You wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t a good idea. Right? Okay. So number three, your breakthrough will first sound like a bad idea. See if it made sense to do, you’d already be doing it. And this is the situation we were in, go back to five years old, six years old, whenever you were learning how to ride a bicycle.
And go back to that moment when they first took off the training wheels. You remember how the weather was that day still and you’re a little wobbly. You didn’t have it yet. You put a foot down and kind of tentatively eking it out. You didn’t want to crash because that sucks. I mean that really hurts. We don’t like crashing. And so you’re just trying to give it a go and make a go of it. You didn’t have it. You didn’t have balance yet. And in that moment, you’re crazy Aunt Jenny comes by with some advice. And crazy Aunt Jenny says, “What you need to do-”
Karla Nelson: Go faster.
Jared Haning: Yes. That what she says. And your brain goes, now I know why they call her crazy Aunt Jenny. That’s a dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. If I can’t balance going slow, that’s just going to make it worse. That’s just going to make it worse. Crazy Aunt Jenny, go away.
Karla Nelson: That’s hilarious. That’s exactly what the advice was to go faster. I’m scared to death.
Jared Haning: Yeah go faster, right?
Karla Nelson: Go faster. That’s exactly how you gain your balance on a bicycle. That’s awesome.
Jared Haning: Oh my gosh. So fast forward to that moment that you caught balance. You felt it inside. Maybe you accidentally went faster, maybe your skills had worked their way up that you could control faster, maybe your dad pushed you too hard. I don’t know, something. And now you’re going faster and you feel balanced. Now I want you to notice what happened in your brain. In the moment that you felt balanced, you went, oh my gosh, now I know what they were talking about. But notice, this is an important distinction. Before you felt the difference, no amount of explanation made a difference. After you felt the difference, no amount of explanation was needed. And that’s the importance of leveling up your business by starting by leveling up your thinking. A breakthrough there will first happen in how your brain makes sense of the world.
Karla Nelson: Super cool. Okay, so Jared, can you also share a little bit about with the MindScan assessment and with… We have our own assessment, right?
Jared Haning: Yes.
Karla Nelson: And we love layering this assessment over with DISC, Myers-Briggs, if you guys have seen those podcasts and MindScan is super fantastic as well and really focused on not a personality assessment, which is what Myers-Briggs and DISC is. It’s really about, how do you enhance your natural gifts and abilities? So can you talk a little bit about how utilizing the assessment and some coaching around that, that you can identify what your blind spots were?
Jared Haning: Yeah. A couple things and it will… Before I get into that though, I want to commend you on something that I feel like you do very well with the assessment that you are training people in, which is it’s not entirely questionnaire based. A lot of assessments, DISC, Myers-Briggs, Kolbe, StrengthFinders, Enneagram, whatever.
Karla Nelson: I know them all. Oh my gosh. I guess if you have an assessment, you know the other ones. But I’m always interested in them.
Jared Haning: They tend to be questionnaire based. And because it’s questionnaire based, your subconscious is going to work, gaming the system. Your subconscious is like, hmm I think I know why they’re asking me to do this. Hmm I think I know what they’re getting at with this one. And so your subconscious is answering how it wants to be or how it’s working towards or how it wants to be seen. And the problem is, okay so you get your test results back and it’s information and that’s really exciting. And you talk to your friends about it and you start Facebook groups and you start support groups for people that are like that. And all this information. But imagine if you went to the doctor and the doctor comes in to treats you with somebody else’s test results. That’s what it’s like when you’re making decisions based off of a questionnaire based assessment. You’re not getting the real answer. You’re getting the answer that your subconscious was trying to game the system with.
Karla Nelson: Which by the way, MindScan is totally… You just, I mean. And I’ve always said, there’s no good, bad, right or wrong. Right? You just want… It’s what it is. Right? And really with MindScan, all you’re doing is putting things in order. I couldn’t believe how short it was actually. How much data and information came out the other side.
Jared Haning: That is surprising for people. So like you mentioned, it’s not questionnaire based, because of that you can’t game the system. Also, it is very short for the amount of information the report produces. And because of that, people normally, there’s two things they say when they have their breakthrough call where we go through their map. One, they say, “Did I do that right? Did I take it right?” Because it’s such a different experience. Two, at the end of their call they go, “Holy freak, how did you know that?” Because they’re surprised. They’re surprised that it was like that. But okay, so blind spots, breakthroughs, sweet spots. Let’s talk about that real quick.
In your car, whenever you back into something, you don’t keep backing into it. You get out of the driver’s seat and go look around. And the reason you do that is because you’re physically changing your vantage point and that’s what allows you to see things you couldn’t see before. So back to those obstacles that we keep running into, don’t have enough time, don’t have enough money. It’s not because you’re not smart enough, not because you’re not skilled enough or equipped enough. It’s not. It’s like the blind spot in your car. The only reason you would keep hitting that same resistance in life is because there’s something about that situation your mind hasn’t seen yet. Once we get the blind spot cleared up, then you’re free to run.
Now when we go through people’s breakthrough map, because the way it builds the graph of your thinking patterns, that graph is a fingerprint. It’s as unique as you are, and it allows us to see exactly where that individual’s blind spots are that explain for them personally why their friends are succeeding and running ahead, but they keep feeling stuck and hitting those same obstacles. We’re able to see where those blind spots are. And that’s always an interesting conversation because we’re going through their breakthrough map and every now and we pause and we say, “Do you ever experience that?”
And they say, “Oh my gosh, yes, all the time. How did you know?” Or we might pause and say, “I would imagine that doing this is really not fun for you.” They’re like, “Yes. How did you know?” I was talking to a lady one time, she worked as a CPA and in her breakthrough map that was actually where her blind spot was. Her brain had no awareness of numbers and systems. None.
Karla Nelson: Interesting.
Jared Haning: And I was like, “Gosh, you know, I hate to say this, but I would imagine that at the end of your work day, it’s not very fun, but you can’t really explain why.” And she’s like, “Yeah, it’s not. And now I understand why.”
Karla Nelson: I love it. So I love how unique it can be to the individual. Right?
Jared Haning: Very unique. Very, very.
Karla Nelson: We went through it and I did the process, I was like, “Number one, am I really done? Was it that simple and that quick?” And then also how it’s just so unique to the individual on top of it.
Jared Haning: Very, very. When you take some of the other assessments and you get your information, one of the things that they tend to do is put you in a category. You’re this, you’re that. And I know I’m giving you a hard time right now, Karla.
Karla Nelson: Oh no. No there’s always something to layer it over. That’s a cool thing about the WHO-DO method is there’s almost always a secondary and how to get work done. And so absolutely not. That’s why I love MindScan so much because I think it’s very unique to the individual. And you don’t want to put people into, oh I’ve got a B in this category. It’s like even DISC or Myers-Briggs or StrengthFinder, I mean if you can actually remember all the… That’s the thing about StrengthFinder, there’s 34 of them, right? It’s hard enough to… I have to look myself up every time I identify, okay this is what I am. Right? Can you imagine? And that’s the top five, even though they focus on the top 10. And it’s like if my top 10 and your top 10, do you realize how much brain space I just filled up trying to facilitate? And it’s not that it’s not great. It is. It’s just the more simplistic that you can make it. And I love how it’s simplistic and both very personal. Right?
Jared Haning: Yes.
Karla Nelson: That in the MindScan, I think it’s really cool. And can you share a little bit about, because we’ve got to get to the breakthrough piece, but the background of creating this methodology and the assessment? You’ve got a really fun story about how you actually became a certified trainer in it.
Jared Haning: Yes. So before this came into my life, but this… The Nobel nominated process was created in the 50’s by Robert Hartman. So back in the day they were doing this with slide rules. It took an hour to build out somebody’s breakthrough map. It was crazy.
Karla Nelson: No kidding. Oh my gosh. It would, right?
Jared Haning: Yeah. Now we can do it on computers. So wonderful.
Karla Nelson: Technology has just made it so insanely faster, obviously. Just like everything else.
Jared Haning: Mm-hmm (affirmative). So I was a professional musician back in the day. Something some people don’t know about music is that when you’re engaged in making music, whether you’re clapping your hands to the radio or singing along in the shower or whatever it is, whenever you’re in that process of making music, you’re using more different parts of your brain than any other activity in life. And this is an extreme difference. And this contrasts with other areas of things that we do with our brain works.
For example, in athletics, the higher your body is performing in an athletic endeavor, the less of your brain it’s using. And one of the theories that we think that’s going on is because your body can’t afford to send extra glucose to the brain. It needs that glucose for the muscles. And so it’s making that choice. So the higher you’re performing as an athlete, your brain kind of quiets down and enters into this meditative state so it can get more energy to the muscles. Music is the opposite. Your brain kind of explodes like a firework show as it’s juggling and making all these new connections and all this stuff. Now that doesn’t mean that music is better than athletic behavior. That doesn’t mean that at all. I mean for crying out loud, we know that if you want brain health, you absolutely must exercise. We know that. So that’s not what I’m saying. Don’t misunderstand me.
But it brings up a good point. What if you could access different parts of your brain on demand? What if you could learn to think at a higher level on purpose? And this higher level, this is very, very important. You know how if you’re in a corn maze, you get to the end of the row, you’re not sure if you should go left or right? But if I put you on a ladder, now you see the whole maze and it’s no mystery. And that’s the power of thinking at a higher level about solving these problems in your business.
Karla Nelson: Yeah and that makes so much sense. I mean we always hear… Dan Sullivan, “When working harder and working longer no longer works, you have to shift gears.” Right? And if we had already known… And it was funny, when we were talking, I wrote a lot of notes down and one of the things I wrote is, “If you already knew what your breakthrough was, you would already be doing it.”
Jared Haning: Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Karla Nelson: And that’s the whole thing is you can’t… When you’re in the bottle you can’t see into it because you’re in the bottle. So that was one of the interesting things, is okay, what is that next thing that you’re going to focus on based off of your current vantage point? And I think that’s kind of unique to MindScan. It’s almost like if you’re a shaker in our methodology, it’s based on 110 years marketing research, right? Law of diffusion of innovations. It’s really kind of challenging to shift your gears and to be something else. Right? A later adopter, you’re not going to be a later adopter. With MindScan, I felt like it was okay, this is where I’m at right now. Which I think is kind of unique because if you look at DISC or Myers-Briggs or StrengthsFinder, you’re probably going… Or Kolbe or any of the Enneagram, you’re going to kind of stay the same. I felt like MindScan was like, where are you at right now?
Jared Haning: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Karla Nelson: Which was actually unique. And it’s not a personality test. And not that personality tests are good, bad, right or wrong. They can be fantastic when applied appropriately. Right? So can you share a little bit about MindScan not being a personality test, right, and how it’s unique and different?
Jared Haning: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. So okay, we already talked about questionnaire based and how that’s a danger of being treated with the wrong person’s results. Now we get into personality population comparison. When you get that new label, hey you’re this, you’re that, you’re a rabbit, you’re a tree, whatever it is. Then along with that comes the affirmation. 25% of the population has this trait or 30% of the population has this trait. And so it’s very affirming to you and now you understand why things go right in your life or things go wrong in your life or whatever it is. Well imagine going to the doctor and the doctor says, “Okay, you have this condition and we have a 60% success rate with it.” Okay he’s just given you information and you might go talk to that with your friends and family, “Hey I have this condition and my doctor has a 60% success rate with it.”
I want to suggest that that is not helpful information. Helpful information would be if the doctor could tell you what side of that 60% line you were on because then we would know exactly what to do to get your next breakthrough. And that’s what makes the MindScan different. It is a fingerprint of that individual’s thinking patterns. Because of that we know exactly where they need to go tomorrow to start to level up and grow and get that breakthrough coming through.
Karla Nelson: Sweet, love it. And then can you share a little bit… I’ll take you back because I pulled you out and then you didn’t get a chance to answer the question in regards to your sweet spot. So you talked about the blind spots but I love this, because this is very common with our methodology is people staying in do what you do best. Hold them in their magnificence versus their smallness. And MindScan helps with that in regards to, okay what are you super good at? What is your sweet spot? And let’s focus on keeping you there versus what you’re not good at.
Jared Haning: Yes, yes. Okay, breakthroughs. Blind spots and breakthroughs. Blind spots tend to happen when we overvalue something. Breakthroughs tend to happen when we were undervaluing something. That doesn’t mean that we should start overvaluing it. I want to explain a little bit about the difference. It just means that we need to start thinking at a higher level about solving that problem. So when we overvalue something, we overvalue how other people feel. We overvalue the role of structure and planning and policy. We overvalue how we feel about doing the work. That tends to trip us up. So if you’re going on a walk through the woods and you have a map of the trail and this map is… It’s a map of the trail. It’s very accurate, right? But if you hold that map on the end of your nose and you say, “This is the only thing I’m going to look at while I’m going through this walk.” You’re going to hit a lot of trees.
So you’re overvaluing a tool. On the other hand, if you just put the map in your pocket, no matter how perfect the map is, you’re going to get lost. You’re undervaluing that tool. One of the biggest breakthroughs that we see when people double, they’ll triple their income… I had a guy come in, he’s making 400,000 a year as a financial planner, goes through this process, finds out that he wasn’t nearly as clear as he thought he was on his true zone of genius, his true sweet spot. We take him through some mindset pushups, so he gets clear on that and then he begins to restructure his day so he’s honoring the thing he does the best. That took him from 400,000 to 1.2 million. It seems like not that big of a deal to get clear on your sweet spot or to start to leverage your sweet spot, but for many, many people it is night and day difference for their business. So breakthrough-
Karla Nelson: Yeah, I love that because honestly that’s where I see the biggest connection between our methodology and the MindScan as well, is you do what you do best. Focus on your peak work, not your weak work. Let everybody else do what they do best, which is not what you do best. And I think that is a serious… And 300 to 800% faster, but you’re happier too. That’s the coolest part about working in your sweet spot, right? Is the fact that you’re happier. And we spend more time at work than we spend doing anything else. So if you’re at work, let’s be at our sweet spot. Right? And I think that there’s a really a lot of genius. And I like how specifying it is when you undervalue something and you know why we undervalue it Jared? Because it’s easy for us. When something is easy for us, we go, “Come on, it’s not that big of a deal.”
When we went through MindScan and you did mine, one of the pieces was in our team, our internal team, my nickname is the human barometer. And it was like, oh well hello. It just came out that wow, I can identify people and see who they are very easily. But for me it’s like breathing. I don’t look at that as a gift because it’s just so easy. Right? And I think a lot of people do that, whereas if something is super easy for us, we undervalue not only the gift that it is, but the application of it. And might not lean into it simply because it’s so easy for us. So why can’t everybody do it?
Jared Haning: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Karla Nelson: And I think that’s super cool about it. I think that’s really unique and identifying that sweet spot and what you’re good at and allowing yourself to build teams around all the stuff that you’re not good at. So why would you even touch it if you could be super fantastic at the part that you’re great at? Why are we trying to apply ourselves in things that we’re not good at?
Jared Haning: Oh. Can I talk about that?
Karla Nelson: You got it.
Jared Haning: What causes that?
Karla Nelson: Yeah.
Jared Haning: Okay. So the statement was, if we’re really good at this, why are we doing that? Why don’t we just keep doing this and let other people do that? So the MindScan, there’s no perfect MindScan. All it is is if this isn’t working for you, here’s another way you could solve those problems. And there’s not a perfect score or anything like that. But as it reveals the way your brain solves problems, some people solve problems by connecting with others. When there’s more on their to do list and they get stressed, they’re like, “Oh man, I got to reach out to these people.” Other people solve problems by taking action. There’s more on their to do list and they’re stressed. They’re like, “Oh I’ve got to work harder and faster.”
And some people solve problems by planning. Oh man, there’s more here than I have time to get done. I need to spend more time planning. Well the thing that you brought up earlier is why don’t we just do what we do the best and let other people do the others? Well, this happens a lot, especially with leaders, especially with entrepreneurs, small business owners, is they solve problems by taking action, kind of dance with the one who brung you. You got me here, so I’m going to keep taking action. But what happens is their brain looks for things to do. So we say, “Do you ever have more on your to do list?” And I don’t know if you can relate to this but, “Do you ever have more on your to do list than you have time to get done?” And you’re like, “Yeah, all the time.”
And then we say, “Well do you try working harder and faster to fix that?” “Yeah, yeah, I do. Of course. I mean that only makes sense.” I said, “Okay, well at the end of the day does it feel like your to do list is just as long as it was in the morning and you didn’t really move the ball forward?” They’re like, “God, I know. It’s so exasperating, right?” That’s because their brain solves problems by doing. So it gets that reward. It gets that dopamine hit. Ooh, I checked something off the to do list.
Karla Nelson: Something off. And you know Jared, it works that way because if you did something and it wasn’t on your list, you put it on the list and then you cross it off, right?
Jared Haning: Yes. They get that hit. Ooh, I checked something off.
Karla Nelson: Woo hoo.
Jared Haning: Okay. If you’re taking notes, you want to write this down. Number one, if I’m doing the work, my business is falling behind. We’re going to look at that here in a little bit. Number two, checking things off your list lowers your income. Look at your to do list. If you’re driving, pull over. If you’re at your desk, pull it out. If you’ve got it memorized and I bet you do because you probably have the same things on there every day. You kind of know what’s on your to do list. Just notice those tasks. Is there anything on your to do list that could not be delegated to somebody for 10 to $15 an hour if they had the right system on how to do it?
Karla Nelson: You are so speaking to me right now, because that is exactly… That’s how everyone should look at their to do list, right? Is you look at it and go, gosh, what can I move over? What can I have somebody else do? And is going to do it, by the way, better than you most of the time.
Jared Haning: Yes.
Karla Nelson: Especially if you’re the owner, founder, right, leader in that organization. Somebody’s going to do it better than you. You just have to get to that point of making it a repeatable process, right? So that it’s done in the fashion that is necessary. But I love that. That’s super, super fantastic.
Jared Haning: Yeah that’s the leader’s job. The leader’s job is to build systems and build people. If you have leaders in your organization and they’re not effective, now if I pulled up their MindScan, I’d be able to tell you why. But just shooting from the hip, I’m going to bet it’s one of two things. They’re not able to build people, they don’t understand emotional bank deposits, they don’t understand high value relationships, they don’t understand right people for right task. Or they’re not able to build systems. They don’t understand planning, they don’t understand process and procedure. Odds are, they’re the kind of person that takes pride in getting things done. Now remember, if you’re checking things off your to do list, you’re taking pride and paying yourself 10 or $15 an hour tasks.
Karla Nelson: Yeah.
Jared Haning: The leader’s job is to build systems and people to do those things.
Karla Nelson: Build people. Absolutely fantastic. So you guys can go to Jared’s email or actually it’s your website, mindsetcall.co, not .com. Mindsetcall.co and you can check it out and check out the MindScan. And Jared, if you want to give a little bit of background about what they’ll experience there when they go to the website?
Jared Haning: Oh yeah. Okay so golly, the MindScan. I’m telling you, 30% of the people that go through this experience are in tears because they find it so emotionally meaningful. It’s ridiculous. Any which way, when you hop there, that takes you to a secret page on my website and we just fill out a short application. Want to be sure it’s a good fit for you so I’m not wasting your time getting you information that isn’t going to be helpful. At the end of that, we’ll respond to you, we’ll get you a time on the calendar. And it’s a two step process. You got to take the MindScan itself. That’ll take about 15 minutes. You can do that at any time, don’t care when. And then the second step, we’re going to get that time on the calendar so that you and me can go through your breakthrough map. This is the thing that Karla experienced, we spent an hour going through her breakthrough map and talking about all the opportunities.
Karla Nelson: Yeah it was super fantastic. It was awesome.
Jared Haning: Yes, we’re going to do that. So two steps, mindsetcall.co.
Karla Nelson: And then after that, take your breakthrough map. So Jared, thank you so much for being on the People Catalysts Podcast. And until then, we will see you later, my friend.
Jared Haning: Woo hoo.